Definition of Swiss franc

1. Noun. The basic unit of money in Switzerland.

Generic synonyms: Franc
Terms within: Centime

Definition of Swiss franc

1. Noun. The currency of Switzerland, divided into 100 centimes. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Swiss Franc

Swiss-German Sign Language
Swiss-Italian Sign Language
Swiss Army knife
Swiss Army knives
Swiss Confederation
Swiss German
Swiss Re Tower
Swiss Reformation
Swiss arrow
Swiss arrows
Swiss canton
Swiss chard
Swiss cheese
Swiss franc
Swiss francs
Swiss mountain pine
Swiss people
Swiss pine
Swiss roll
Swiss rolls
Swiss shower
Swiss showers
Swiss steak
Swiss stone pine

Literary usage of Swiss franc

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and by John Murray (Firm, John Murray (Firm) (1811)
"1 Swiss franc, containing 10 batz — 1 1/2 French franc (1 franc 48 cents.), = (nearly 1*. 2a. English. NB This distinction between the value of French and ..."

2. Swiss Banks & the Status of Assets of Holocaust Survivors Or Heirs: Hearing edited by Alfonse M. D'Amato (1998)
""Mr. Bronfman," they said, "we do not wish to hold on to one Swiss franc that is not ours." I told them I certainly agreed with that sentiment. ..."

3. A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Compiled edited by Royal Geographical Society Great Britain (1856)
"The Swiss franc is equal to 1 franc 12 sous of French money. ... The French decimal system is to be adopted, the Swiss franc hav- incr henceforward the same ..."

4. A Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savory and by John Murray (Firm) (1838)
"1 Swiss franc, containing 10 batz = 1J French franc (1 franc 48 cents.), = (nearly) is. Id. English. NB This distinction between the value of French and ..."

5. Nazi Gold: U.S. & Allied Efforts to Recover & Restore Gold & Other Assets by William Z. Slany (1997)
"For several months into 1947, the Swiss insisted on arbitration of the Swiss franc's gold value, despite the fact that it was clear what the gold ..."

6. The Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy and by John Murray (Firm, John Murray (Firm) (1811)
"1 Swiss franc, containing 10 batz — 1 1/2 French franc (1 franc 48 cents.), = (nearly 1*. 2a. English. NB This distinction between the value of French and ..."

7. Swiss Banks & the Status of Assets of Holocaust Survivors Or Heirs: Hearing edited by Alfonse M. D'Amato (1998)
""Mr. Bronfman," they said, "we do not wish to hold on to one Swiss franc that is not ours." I told them I certainly agreed with that sentiment. ..."

8. A Gazetteer of the World: Or, Dictionary of Geographical Knowledge, Compiled edited by Royal Geographical Society Great Britain (1856)
"The Swiss franc is equal to 1 franc 12 sous of French money. ... The French decimal system is to be adopted, the Swiss franc hav- incr henceforward the same ..."

9. A Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savory and by John Murray (Firm) (1838)
"1 Swiss franc, containing 10 batz = 1J French franc (1 franc 48 cents.), = (nearly) is. Id. English. NB This distinction between the value of French and ..."

10. Nazi Gold: U.S. & Allied Efforts to Recover & Restore Gold & Other Assets by William Z. Slany (1997)
"For several months into 1947, the Swiss insisted on arbitration of the Swiss franc's gold value, despite the fact that it was clear what the gold ..."

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